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Friends and Fools
The Podcast

The Podcast

New! Our Friends and Fools Podcast

“In the end it’s all about asking yourself: Have I really created something, achieved something, contributed to change? That’s the challenge.” Joschi Walch

The challenge can also be found in taking an equally ancient and highly modern approach to farming in one of the most serene places in the Alps. In reviving the Rote Wand’s roots in farming in the most innovative of ways. In bridging the gap between past and future.

Listen to Joschi Walch talk about alle these questions (and much more) in the first episode of the Friends and Fools podcast (in German).

Planting potatoes at 1,500 metres – a viable plan?

Friends & Fools is based on one very important thing: soil. That’s why reviving our family’s agricultural roots by re-es- tablishing the farming business as a part of our Friends & Fools activities is a matter close to our hearts. One of the first steps in this direction is our new potato field: an inconspicuous-looking rectangle, 19 metres long and 15 metres wide. Here, like in life in general, all crucial things happen below the surface. Growing potatoes at 1,500 metres above sea level is both venture and adventure, which we happily embarked on thanks to support by exceptional chef and herb expert Thorsten Probost (“Nature is the architect of my kitchen”). After all, we stick to the saying: Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Find out about the results of
this experiment (including what happened to them at the Chef’s Table) and what notes Magdalena took in the process – in the latest episode of the Friends & Fools podcast, featuring Thorsten Probost (in German).